Dmg potion miscibility
Dmg potion miscibility

dmg potion miscibility

However, if the Elixer is consumed while the drinker is under the effects of any other potion (excluding those with instantaneous effects such as a potion of healing), the effects of the prior potion are rendered permanent. Possibly the epitome of the alchemical arts, this powerful elixer has no effect when consumed on it's own. To that end he spent a fortune in gold, years of time, and dozens of adventures to create a truly unique and masterful concoction: An Elixer of Permanence. One of the central characters of the party, Lembar, was a pugilistic, albino, halfling alchemist who desired, more than anything else, to make a lasting mark on the world's body of alchemical knowledge. I mentioned in passing earlier that the last member of that party, played by the narcolept (no offense to narcoleptics, that is just how we all still think of him), ended up locked in a closet for spare parts. In commemoration of how both of our marriages found their source in a game, my sister and brother-in-law contributed this square, featuring their characters from that campaign, and one that is supposed to represent me:Īs an added bonus, after years of exile in the land of MMOs (mostly WoW), my sister and brother-in-law have gotten back into proper gaming, including joining a new PBeM game which you should be seeing reports of on here shortly. When we were finally married, my wife's mother made a beautiful quilt for us, with squares contributed by our various friends and family members (you were starting to wonder how I'd get a Q in here weren't you.the other option would be to talk about the above as a love quadrangle or some such nonsense). Right, obviously everything in that last paragraph is what happened in the game (you might see why certain people thought I was being a bad influence).Joking about bad influences aside, if you are looking for the key to lasting relationships, find people who you can game with, as, obviously, everyone in that party (except the narcoleptic friend) are now related.

dmg potion miscibility

And somewhere along the line our narcoleptic friend got locked in a closet, put in temporal stasis, and had his heart cut out to be used in the creation of magical elixers. My sister had an aggressive rivalry with the little brother. So, my girlfriend married my best friend after a tumultuous three-year relationship.

dmg potion miscibility

And my best friend's brother eventually married my ex, after which he never played D&D again, because she felt that I (or D&D) had been a bad influence on everyone involved (especially her brother).īut, of course, we were saying this was complex. The girlfriend became my wife a decade later, after we both finished as much school as we were going to do. There were rumors that I was in a relationship with my ex's brother, and I certainly shared my sister's crush. My sister eventually married my best friend, after several years of on-again, off-again dating, but at the time had a crush on my ex's brother. Now, the simple thing to say was that I played D&D with my five closest friends, but this was high-school, and everything has to be complicated in high-school (including the version of D&D you play, which at the time was AD&D 2nd edition with every splat-book and all of the Player's Option rules). Decades later we all still make regular references to that game, which for lack of a better name, we call the Sir-Alanna-Corrin-Colin-Lembar (or SACCL) game, after five out of the seven main PCs. Also, somehow this is funnier (to me at least) if I only refer to people by their relationships and describe all of the involved relationships, so.ĭecades ago, when I was in high-school, I ran a regular D&D game for a party composed of: my girlfriend, my sister, my best friend, his little brother (who was dating my ex), and the brother of my ex.

dmg potion miscibility

A little more reminiscence and real-life than actual gamables, but Q is a weird letter, so deal.

Dmg potion miscibility